esta video

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48. godišnji kongres Europske udruge gudačkih pedagoga (ESTA) trebao se održati u travnju ove godine u Portu u Portugalu. Nažalost, zbog pandemije Covid-19 sve aktivnosti su morale biti odgođene.

Unatoč tome, dragi kolege iz ESTA Portugal naporno su radili da nas održe zajedno putem kratkih video prezentacija predavača i Zoom sastanaka uživo na svome YouTube kanalu.

Predavanje koje sam trebala održati naslovljeno je “Najvažniji aspekti u radu s violinskim početnicima”. To je predavanje koje sam trebala održati na ESTA kongresu 2018. na Malti, no morala sam ga otkazati zbog zdravstvenih problema. Na žalost, ni ovaj puta ga nisam uspjela prezentirati uživo (zasada), nadajmo se da će se situacija s pandemijom smirivati i da ćemo se uskoro moći vratiti uobičajenom ritmu života.


Sve je počelo tako što sam ponekad, kao i svi, uspijevala zaboraviti neke detalje u radu s početnicima, te odlučila to sve zapisati uz obećanje samoj sebi da ću to pročitati svake godine. Ne samo da mi se svake godine sjećanje osvježilo, nego sam i dobivala nove ideje.

Te nove ideje su na kraju rezultirale nizom knjiga, predavanja, seminara i didaktičkih materijala (Violina 1, The Pizzicato Method, The Practice Diary, YouTube kanal, uskoro i e-knjiga E-Pizzicato Method, seminari za učenike i profesore).


Na početku predavanja govorim o opremi (stalak za note, instrument, note…), nešto što nam se ponekad zna dogoditi da zaboravimo reći ili objasniti našim početnicima i njihovim roditeljima.

Nakon toga, predavanje je podijeljeno u 4 dijela:

  • Pravilna postava
  • Odabir programa
  • Komunikacija s učenicima i roditeljima
  • Vježbanje kod kuće

Naš najvažniji zadatak u prvoj godini učenja je naučiti učenika kako pravilno držati violinu, kako pravilno držati i vući gudalo, pravilan položaj i pokrete lijeve ruke i sviranje s obje ruke zajedno. Postoje mnoge vježbice i didaktička pomagala koja je dobro pri tome koristiti, no nešto više odgovara jednom učeniku, a nešto drugo drugome. Zbog toga se volim svake godine podsjetiti i ponovno pročitati moje bilješke.

Ponekad smo u nedoumici koji program zadati učeniku. Postoji vrlo jednostavan proces od 4 koraka o kojemu govorim u predavanju, a koji može pomoći u tome.

Jedna od stvari o kojoj mi, učitelji, često razgovaramo je komunikacija s roditeljima i učenicima. Govorit ću o tipovima učenika i kako im pristupiti, ali i o čaroliji prvoga sata, kako odraditi prvi dio školske godine, zimske praznike, naporan kraj godine i ljetne praznike.

To nas vodi do zadnjeg, ali svakako ne manje bitnog dijela – vježbanja kod kuće. Kako probuditi učenikovu znatiželju, kako održavati motivaciju, ponešto o planiranju rada i praćenju napretka.

Evo kratkoga videa o predavanju na engleskom jeziku.

Ostanite zdravi i sigurni!

Ines 🙂

The 48th annual European String Teachers’ Association Conference was supposed to be held in April this year in Porto, Portugal. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, it had to be postponed.

In spite of that, our ESTA Portugal colleagues managed with their hard work to keep us together through short video presentations of the lecturers and online live Zoom meetings on their YouTube channel.

The lecture I was supposed to hold is titled “The most important aspects in work with violin beginners”. It was first meant for me to have it on the 2018 ESTA Conference in Malta, but since some serious health issues occurred to me, I had to cancel it. Unfortunately, I still didn’t get a chance to present it live (yet). Let’s hope that this corona crisis will soon be over and that we will be able to get back to our usual life rhythm.

The Idea

It all started with my own, personal notes. As we all do, I used to forget some tiny things that I find very important for every beginner student, so I’ve put them on the paper. It turned out that these notes not only reminded me of the process but also gave me new ideas. I told to myself – I will read this every year! And every year I got new and new ideas which finally resulted in a series of books, lectures, masterclasses, and didactical materials (Violina 1, The Pizzicato Method, The Practice Diary, YouTube channel, soon to be published eBook E-Pizzicato Method, masterclasses for students and teachers).

The Lecture

In the lecture, first of all, I will talk about the importance of the equipment – the instrument, the accessories, music stand, etc. which we sometimes forget to tell to our new students and their parents.

After that, the lecture is divided into four segments:

  • Proper posture
  • How to choose the program
  • Communication with students and parents
  • Practicing at home

Our first and most important task in the beginning year is to teach a student how to properly hold the instrument, how to hold and draw the bow properly, how to use the left arm and how to play with both arms together. There are many exercises and didactical aids that could help with all this. Some of them are better for one student, and some of them are better for the other. This is exactly why I love reading these notes, again and again, every year.

Sometimes we are in doubt about which program to give to our students. There is a very easy 4-step process that I will talk about which can help with that.

One of the things that we teachers often talk about the most is communication with students as well as parents. I will talk about the types of students and how to approach them but also about the magic of the first lesson, how to handle the first part of the school year, the winter break, the nerve-wracking school year’s end as well as the summer break.

This leads us to the last but certainly not least segment – practicing at home. How to awake students’ curiosity, how to keep him motivated, something about work planning, and progress monitoring.

Here is a short video about the lecture.

Stay safe and healthy!!

Ines 🙂

ESTA Conference lecture teaser

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