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Nažalost, još uvijek velika većina nas ne može raditi sa svojim učenicima uživo. No, uspjeli smo otkriti neke načine kako razveseliti učenike. Jedan od njih je svakako sviranje uz pratnju. Evo jedne pjesmice koju svi znamo, koja će sigurno razveseliti naše najmanje violiniste!
Downloadajte PDF note, slušajte snimku dueta, vježbajte uz snimku prve violine, a potom se razveselite sviranjem uz pratnju druge violine! Pošaljite mi neku snimku!!
OVDJE možete skinuti note (PDF)
Snimka Violina 1
Snimka Violina 2
Ova pjesmica dio je prve knjige iz serije The Pizzicato Method, a uskoro i e-knjige e-Pizzicato Method! Pretplatite se za novosti i prvi saznajte kada e-knjiga izađe!
Pratite i ostala videa na YouTube kanalu Pizzicato! Svakako se pretplatite (ne zaboravite kliknuti znak zvona!) i ne propustite nova videa!
Unfortunately, the vast majority of us still can’t work with our students in person. But we were able to discover some ways to cheer up the students, even online. One of those ways is playing with accompaniment, for sure. Here is one little song we all know, which will surely delight our youngest violinists!
Download the music sheet (PDF), listen to the recording of the duet, practice with the recording of the first violin, and then have fun playing with the accompaniment of the second violin! Send me some videos!!
You can download the music sheet HERE (PDF)
Video Violin 1
Video Violin 2
This little song is part of the first book from The Pizzicato Method series. Very soon, it will be also a part of the e-book The EPizzicato Method! Subscribe for news and be the first to know about the release date!
Watch some more videos on the Pizzicato YouTube channel. Make sure you subscribe (don’t forget to click the bell button!)
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