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Ines Ana Tomić
Ines Ana Tomić

Glazbeni studio Pizzicato je osnovala profesorica violine Ines Ana Tomić u svrhu promoviranja violinske pedagogije.

Mr. art. Ines Ana Tomić, prof. savjetnik glazbena je pedagoginja s 20 godina iskustva. Za svoj rad dobila je niz nagrada, između ostalih 3 “Oskara znanja” i godišnju nagradu Hrvatskog društva glazbenih i plesnih pedagoga, a njezini učenici osvojili su više od 100 nagrada na državnim i međunarodnim natjecanjima te, uz brojne koncerte, nastupaju i u emisijama Hrvatske televizije.

Članica je ocjenjivačkih sudova na natjecanjima i mentorica studentima i profesorima pripravnicima.

Održava predavanja na međunarodnim kongresima, te seminare za učenike i profesore.

Autorica je udžbenika Violina 1 (Školska knjiga 2008., 2018.), Violina 2 (Školska knjiga 2021.) i The Pizzicato method serije metodičkih i didaktičkih materijala (Let’s Play Violin! 1-3, Let’s Play Viola! 1-3, Violin Positions i Practice Diary).

Majka je dvoje djece.

Music Studio Pizzicato was founded by violin teacher Ines Ana Tomić to promote violin pedagogy.

MA Ines Ana Tomić is a Croatian music pedagogue with 20 years of experience. She has received many awards for her work including the Ministry of Education Award and the Croatian Music and Dance Teachers’ Association Award. Her students won over 100 prizes in state and international competitions, they play on numerous concerts and Croatian national television shows. Ms. Tomić is a Jury member on competitions and a mentor for Academy students and teacher trainees. She holds lectures and masterclasses for violin students and teachers. ​She is the author of the first Croatian violin school book since 1960 (Violina 1&2) and The Pizzicato method – series of methodical and didactical materials in English (Let’s Play Violin! 1-3, Let’s Play Viola! 1-3, Violin Positions, Practice Diary). She is a mother of two children.
