![[RECENZIJA | REVIEW] PlayScore 2 Sheet Music Scanning App | aplikacija za čitanje nota playscore2 pizzicato.hr](http://studiopizzicato.hr/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/0001-16485864984_20210205_161916_0000-750x350.png)
Click here for English sheet music scanning app
Već dugi niz godina na digitalnom tržištu su prisutne brojne aplikacije za skeniranje i reprodukciju nota. Od početka mi je to bio zanimljiv segment kojeg sam pratila, ali moram priznati da nisam naišla na neku aplikaciju koju bih poželjela zadržati u svome radu, barem ne na duže vrijeme. Do sada.
Nedavno sam otkrila aplikaciju PlayScore 2, negdje baš u vrijeme kad se i pojavila verzija ove aplikacije dostupna za Android uređaje i odmah me zaintrigirala. Nakon što sam „kliknula“ par snimki, oduševila sam se i odmah podijelila svoje uzbuđenje u razrednoj grupi u poruci s puno smajlića i linkom za preuzimanje.
Što me je tako oduševilo?
Ono što je maloj djeci najvažnije za pravilno sviranje, osim pravilne postave, je svakako izvođenje točnog teksta (note, ritam) i dobra intonacija. U svom radu često sviram uz djecu, violinu ili klavir, kako bismo uvježbali intonaciju i tekst, no kada djeca dođu kući, najčešće nemaju nekoga tko bi uz njih svirao. Za određene poznatije kompozicije postoje snimke na YouTubeu, no što je s ljestvicama koje su nam temelj dobre intonacije? Što je s pjesmicama i etidama bez kojih ne možemo, a nema ih na YouTubeu?
Evo, upravo to me je oduševilo kod PlayScore 2 aplikacije. sheet music scanning app

Uslikala sam note, odabrala instrument i kliknula PLAY. To je bilo to! Aplikacija ne samo da je odsvirala točno to što je bilo napisano, nego sam mogla i regulirati tempo, usporiti koliko sam željela, povećavati tempo i/ili namjestiti točan tempo izvedbe. Savršen alat za vježbanje!
Ljestvice su postale puno čišće, a pjesmice točne. Sretni učenici, sretna profesorica, sretni roditelji, sretna publika na nekom od budućih koncerata.
Aplikaciju PlayScore 2 sam preuzela na ovom linku, a više informacija pročitajte na web stranici aplikacije. Naime, ja sam opisala samo jedan mali segment korištenja aplikacije koji je perfektan za pedagoški rad, no aplikacija pruža još čitav niz mogućnosti, za zborove ili, na primjer komornu glazbu. Od nekoliko uslikanih dionica, može se odabrati koje dionice sviraju (pjevaju), a koje ne, što je sjajno za uvježbavanje svoje dionice unutar nekoga glazbenog sastava.
Aplikacija odlično čita razne muzičke znakove, poput onih za ponavljanje, artikulaciju itd. no svakako je važno da note nisu pošarane ili oštećene i da su dobro osvijetljene i fokusirane dok se slikaju kako bi software mogao točno pročitati tekst, a onda i pomogao našim učenicima da učine to isto.
Podijelite ovu informaciju malim glazbenicima i olakšajte im život (a i sebi)!

Numerous applications for sheet music scanning and reproducing have been present in the digital market for many years. From the beginning, it was an interesting segment that I followed, but I have to admit that I did not come across any application that I would like to keep in my work, at least not for a long time. Until now.
I recently discovered the PlayScore 2 app, approximately at the time the Android version appeared and it immediately caught my attention. After “clicking” a couple of shots, I was thrilled and shared my excitement right away in the class group, in a message with lots of emojis and a download link. sheet music scanning app
What thrilled me so much?
The most important thing for small children’s proper playing, apart from the correct posture, is certainly playing the right notes, exact rhythm, and good intonation. In my work I often play with children, violin or piano, to practice intonation and text, but when children come home, they usually do not have someone to play with them. There are recordings on YouTube for certain well-known compositions, but what about the scales that are the foundation of our good intonation? What about songs and etudes we can’t live without, and there isn’t any YouTube recording to listen to?
Now, that’s exactly what thrilled me about the PlayScore 2 app.

I took a camera shot of the music sheet, selected an instrument, and clicked PLAY. That was it! The app not only played exactly what was written, but I could also adjust the tempo, slow down as much as I wanted, increase it and/or set the exact tempo of the performance. The perfect exercise tool!
The scales have become much cleaner and the songs accurate. Happy students, happy teacher, happy parents, happy audience at one of the future concerts.
I downloaded the PlayScore 2 application at this link, and you can read more information on the application’s website. You see, I have described only one small segment of how to use the application which is perfect for pedagogical work, but the application provides many other possibilities, for choirs or, for example, chamber music. When you take a picture of the whole score, you can choose which instruments (sections) you want it to play and which you don’t, which is great for rehearsing your section within a music ensemble.
The app reads well a variety of musical symbols, such as those for repetition, articulation, etc. but it is certainly important that the sheet is not heavily marked or damaged and that it’s well lit and focused while taking a picture so the software can read the text accurately and then help our students do the same.
Share this information with little musicians and make their lives easier (and yours, too)!