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Jedna od najboljih pedagoških odluka svakoga profesora violine/viole je, svakako ona da podučava svoje učenike prema nekoj pouzdanoj, kvalitetnoj metodi, odnosno školi violine/viole. Suvremena glazbena pedagogija je usvojila brojne znanstvene spoznaje iz drugih područja koja proučavaju učenje svih vrsta, pa tako, u današnjem smislu, škole znače skup gradiva za određenu godinu učenja, obrađenoga kroz tehničke vježbe, etide, izvatke iz glazbene literature ili čak cijele kompozicije, sve tekstualno objašnjeno i ilustrirano, složeno prokušanim metodičkim redoslijedom.
Nadopuna gradiva
No, većina škola za mnoge učenike treba nadopune, pri čemu se obraćamo zbirkama etida u kojima možemo pronaći alat za usavršavanje i razrađivanje pojedinih tehničkih elemenata. Evo najpoznatijih zbirki, redoslijedom prema zahtijevnosti tehničkih elemenata.
Prva zbirka s kojom se učenici najčešće susreću nakon, ili čak uz svoju prvu početnicu. U prvoj knjizi su obrađeni osnovni obrasci prstiju lijeve ruke u prvoj poziciji, kao i osnovni potezi gudala i učestaliji ritmički obrasci kroz tehničke elemente štrihova. Isti princip prenosi se i u drugu knjigu u kojoj su obrađene druga i treća pozicija, te njihovo spajanje s prvom.
Zbog svoje melodijsko-harmonijske strukture, i nakon više od 150 godina ostale su jedne od naobrađivanijih i najomiljeniji etida ikad
2. H. E. Kayser: 36 etida, op. 20
U ovoj su zbirci iznimno sistematično obrađeni svi tehnički elementi s kojima se mladi violinist/violist treba susresti tijekom svog osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja, od obrazaca prstiju lijeve ruke, trilera, dvohvata, rastavljenih akorda, pozicija od prve do sedme i njihovog povezivanja, preko osnovnih i virtuoznih štrihova, ritmičkih obrazaca s brzim promjenama gudala i prijelazima preko žica, arpeggia, bariolagge itd. Iznimno su popularne etide zbog stila komponiranja (kasna romantika), ali i primjerene dužine koja je adekvatna da se usvoji neki tehnički element na muzički zanimljiv način.
3. J. Dont 37: 24 etide, op. 37
Pripremne etide za zbirke Kreutzerovih i Rodeovih etida koje se bave preciznom razradom tehničkih elemenata, od perkusije, dvohvata, legata preko žica, raznih osnovnih i virtuoznih štrihova. Svojom zahtjevnošću prilagođene su naprednijim učenicima osnovne škole koji aspiriraju ozbiljnijem bavljenju violinom/violom. Po formi su prilično orijentirane na tehniku, pa nisu pretjerano popularne među učenicima, no svakako su jedan od bisera violinističke/violističke pedagoške literature kojima se često obraćamo za pomoć u usavršavanju sviračkih sposobnosti.
Čitajte i:
4. J. F. Mazas: Etudes speciales, op. 36 (1. knjiga)
Zahtjevnost ovih etida prilagođena je starijim uzrastima osnovne škole, a zbog svoje muzikalnosti i ljepote forme omiljene su među učenicima i time često na repertoaru ne samo ispita, nego čak i koncerata. Uz brojne već naučene tehničke elemente koji se dodatno razrađuju i usavršavaju, veliki naglasak je stavljen na razvoj muzikalnosti. Obrađeni su muzički elementi dinamike i agogike kroz razumljivo i privlačno fraziranje, te razne forme, npr. koračnica ili recitativ.
Ova zbirka vrlo često je nazivana i „Biblijom violinske tehnike“ što govori dovoljno o njenoj vrijednosti i značaju. Do danas je ostala neprikosnoveni temelj učenja novih tehničkih elemenata, njihove razrade, te usavršavanja već naučenih. Zbog zahtjevnije kombinacije više tehničkih elemenata i svoje dužine, najčešće se koriste za srednjoškolski uzrast učenika. Većina violinskih pedagoga smatra kako ne postoji tehnički element koji ova zbirka ne pokriva, te kako je nemoguće dosegnuti visoku razinu sviranja bez apsolviranja barem većine etida iz zbirke.
6. P. Rode: 24 capriccia u formi etide
Ove koncertne etide, tj. capriccia vrlo su omiljena stotinama generacija violinista od svoga nastanka do danas. Visoke razine kako tehničke, tako i muzičke zahtjevnosti, složeni su po tonalitetima što ih čini jedinstvenima u pedagoškoj literaturi. Vrlo se često izvode na koncertnim podijima kao neizostavan element literature za solo violinu.
Etide visoke tehničke zahtjevnosti prilagođene su naprednim učenicima srednje škole i akademije. Na vrlo sistematičan način obrađuju kombinacije zahtjevnih i virtuoznih tehničkih elemenata, te su neizostavna stepenica na putu do nekih od najpoznatijih bisera violinističke literature (Paganini, Wieniawski…).
One of the best pedagogical decisions of every violin/viola teacher is, of course, to teach his students according to a reliable, quality method book. Contemporary music pedagogy has adopted numerous scientific findings from other fields which study all kinds of learning, so, in today’s sense, method books are a set of material for a particular level of study, processed through technical exercises, etudes, excerpts from music literature or even whole compositions, all textually explained and illustrated, compounded by a tried and tested methodological order.
Nevertheless, most schools need additions for many students, and this is where we turn to Etude books in which we can find tools for perfecting and elaborating certain technical elements. Here are the most famous Etude books, in order according to the complexity of the technical elements.
Additions to the program
1. Franz Wohlfahrt: 60 Studies, Op. 45
The first collection that students most often encounter after, or even alongside, their first beginner book. The first book deals with the basic left-hand finger patterns in the first position, as well as the basic bow strokes and most usual rhythmic patterns. The same principle is transferred to the second book, which elaborates on the second and third positions, and their merging with the first.
Due to its melodic and harmonic structure, even after more then 150 years, they remained one of the most used and favorite etudes ever.
2. H. E. Kayser: 36 Elementary Progressive Studies, Op. 20
In this collection we can find all the technical elements that a young violinist/violist should encounter during his elementary school education, from left-hand finger patterns, trills, double stops, first to the seventh position and their connecting, all these are extremely systematically processed, alongside basic and virtuoso strokes, rhythmic patterns with fast bow changes and string crossing, arpeggio, bariolagge, etc. These etudes are extremely popular due to the style of composing, but also the appropriate length that is adequate to adopt a technical element in a musically interesting way.
3. J. Dont: 24 Studies, Op. 37
Preparatory etudes for the Kreutzer and Rode books that deal with a precise analysis of technical elements, from percussion, double stops, string crossing legato, various basic and virtuoso bow strokes. Due to their complexity, they are suitable for more advanced elementary music school students who aspire to more serious violin/viola playing. In terms of form, they are quite technique-oriented, so they are not overly popular among students, but they are certainly one of the violin/viola pedagogical literature pearls that we often turn to for help in improving playing skills.
Read also:
4. J. F. Mazas: Etudes Speciales, Op. 36 (Book 1)
The complexity of these etudes is suitable for the older elementary music school students, and. Because of their musicality and beautiful form, they are a favorite among students and thus often in the repertoire of not only exams but even concerts. In addition to numerous already learned technical elements that are further elaborated and perfected, great emphasis is placed on the development of musicality. Musical elements like dynamics and agogics are treated through understandable and attractive phrasing, as well as various forms, eg March or Recitativo.
5. R. Kreutzer: 42 Studies for Violin
This collection is often called the “Bible of the violin technique”, which speaks enough about its value and significance. To this day, it has remained an inviolable foundation for learning new technical elements, their elaboration, and improving the already learned ones. Due to the more demanding combination of several technical elements and their length, they are most often played by high school students. Most violin teachers believe that there is no technical element that this Etude book does not cover and that it is impossible to reach a high level of playing without completing at least most of the etudes from it.
6. J. P. Rode: 24 Caprices for Violin Solo
These concert etudes, capriccios, have been very popular with hundreds of generations of violinists since their inception until today. With their high level of both technical and musical demands, they are composed in all keys, which makes them unique in the pedagogical literature. They are very often performed on concert stages as an indispensable element of solo violin literature.
7. P. Gavinies: 24 Studies – Violin Solo
Etudes of high technical complexity, suitable for high school and conservatory advanced students. They deal with combinations of demanding and virtuoso technical elements in a very systematic way and are an indispensable step on the way to some of the most famous violin literature pearls (Paganini, Wieniawski…).