Silent Night | Tiha noć [FREE PRINTABLE&PLAYALONG]

silent night tiha noć

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Stiglo nam je napokon najljepše doba u godini, božićno doba…!

A jedna od prvih asocijacija na Božić je svakako melodija koja nam se odmah pojavi u uhu i svojom nježnjom blagošću nas odvede u to čarobno doba – Tiha noć. Nakon velike popularnosti božićnih pjesama, donosim vam i ove note za printanje u verziji za dvije violine, kao i snimke za playalong na YouTube-u (1. violina, 2. violina, duet). Svakako, možete ih izvoditi i na drugim instrumentima ili pjevati.

Sretan vam Božić, želim vam da ga još više uljepšate svojim muziciranjem!

Moglo bi vam se svidjeti i:

Najljepše božićne pjesme

Old McDonald

Adventski kalendar


silent night tiha noć

Finally, it’s the most beautiful time of the year—Christmas time!

One of the first ideas we have when we talk about Christmas is that melody that comes to our ear and takes us to the magical time with its gentle softness—Silent Night. After the huge popularity of Christmas songs, I’m also bringing you this beautiful song.

Here, you can find a free printable music sheet for 2 violins as well as YouTube videos for play along (1st violin, 2nd violin, duet). Of course, you can play them on some other instruments, too, and also sing.

Merry Christmas, all! I hope you make it even more beautiful with your music!

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Silent Night | Tiha noć [FREE PRINTABLE&PLAYALONG]

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