trill exercise

trill exercise

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Triler je muzički ornament i tehnički element koji se vrlo često koristi u literaturi, i to na svim instrumentima. Iz tog razloga, ova vježba može se koristiti za sve instrumente, ne samo za violinu/violu.


Prije nego se počnu vježbe za triler, mora biti usvojena dobra postava i osnovna tehnika lijeve ruke jer svaki krivi položaj i/ili pokret može dovesti do grčenja ruke i/ili nepravilnoga izvođenja trilera (neprecizan i nedovoljno artikuliran ton). Zbog toga je važno provjeriti je li violina dobro postavljena na rame, je li lijevi lakat slobodan i opušten ispod violine, je li zapešće ravno i opušteno, imamo li slobodan prostor između palca i korijena kažiprsta, jesu li prsti opušteni i zaobljeni iznad žica. Također, osnove perkusije moraju biti dobro usvojene – zamah prsta, udarac i vraćanje u početni, opušteni položaj. Ako ste učenje violine počeli po udžbeniku Violina 1 ili Let’s Play Violin! 1, onda su vam ovi preduvjeti spremni. Da biste si olakšali provjeru ovih koraka, možete si isprintati plakatić s točkama za provjeru.

Anatomski pristup

Kada su svi ovi krucijalni preduvjeti zadovoljeni, možemo započeti s vježbom. Vježbu započinjemo s drugim prstom položenim na A žicu, a udarce radimo trećim prstom. Ovo je anatomski najprihvatljiviji položaj, zbog toga počinjemo s njim kako bismo shvatili i usvojili položaj, pokret i osjećaj, a potom vježbu radimo s prvim i drugim prstom, te trećim i četvrtim. Za vježbu, prema želji, možemo raditi i s praznom žicom i prvim prstom, no ovaj triler se gotovo nikad ne koristi u literaturi. Nakon A žice, vježbu izvodimo na D, potom G i na kraju E žici.

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Violin Positions


Najvažnije pri izvođenju ove vježbe za triler je da prst koji radi udarac ima dovoljan zamah, dovoljno snažan udarac, a nakon što udari žicu (hvataljku), vrlo brzo se treba vratiti u početni položaj. Da bismo si olakšali ovaj pokret, dovoljno je da si zamislimo kako smo se prstom opekli na nešto jako vruće i brzo odmaknuli prst.

Vježbe za početnike

Ako vam je ovo prva vježba za triler, odnosno ako sada prvi put počinjete učiti triler, krenite polako, u sporom tempu i dajete si dovoljno vremena da usvojite svaki položaj, pokret i osjećaj. Ne treba odmah odsvirati sve vježbe, u svim ritmovima, u brzom tempu i doći do pravoga trilera, ponekad može proći i po nekoliko tjedana dok se ne dođe do njega. No samo ako su svi koraci prije trilera dobro usvojeni, triler će biti dobar. U suprotnom, bit će ili prespor ili nejasan tonski ili će se ruka grčiti. Preporučam da krenete u tempu mm=60, a potom po potrebi ubrzavate.

pizzicato akademija
pizzicato akademija

Napredne vježbe

Ukoliko ste već naučili triler, ova vježba vam svakako može pomoći usavršiti ga, dobiti na preciznosti i brzini. Odredite koji bi vam bio početni tempo (npr. mm=80), a zatim ga ubrzavajte sve do maksimalnog tempa u kojem možete održati kontrolu svih položaja i pokreta, a s vremenom da ga možete i izvoditi automatizmom pokreta.

Evo notnoga zapisa vježbe, a možete pogledati i video.

Detaljnije obrađen triler, s više nota i etidama možete naći u knjizi Violina 3 u izdanju Školske knjige.

Trill is a musical ornament and technical element often used in literature on all instruments. For this reason, this exercise can be used on all instruments, not just violin/viola.


Before starting the trill exercises, a good posture and basic left hand technique must be adopted, because any wrong position and/or movement can lead to hand spasms and/or improper trill performance (imprecise and insufficiently articulated tone). That is why it is important to check whether the violin is well placed on the shoulder, whether the left elbow is free and relaxed under the violin, whether the wrist is straight and relaxed, whether there is free space between the thumb and the root of the first finger, whether the fingers are relaxed and rounded above the strings. Also, basic percussion must be adopted – finger swing, kick on the string, and getting the finger back to the starting, relaxed position. If you started learning the violin with the textbook Violina 1 or Let’s Play Violin! 1, then these preconditions are ready. To make it easier to check these steps, you can print out a little poster with points to check.

Anatomical approach

When all these crucial preconditions are met, we can start the exercise. We start the exercise with the second finger placed on the A string and make the strokes with the third finger. Since this is the most anatomically acceptable position, we start with it to understand and adopt the position, movement, and feeling. After that we do the exercise with the first and second fingers, and finally the third and fourth. For practice, if desired, we can also practice with an empty string and the first finger, but this trill is rarely used in literature. After the A string, we perform the exercise on D, then G, and finally E string.

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Violin Positions


The most important thing when performing this trill exercise is that the finger that makes the kick has enough swing and a strong enough stroke, and after hitting the string, it should return to the initial position very quickly. To make this movement easier, it is enough to imagine that we burned our finger on something very hot and quickly moved the finger away.

Exercise for beginners

If this is your first trill exercise, or if you are just starting to learn trills for the first time, go slowly, at a slow tempo, and give yourself enough time to master each position, movement, and feeling. You don’t need to get to the trill immediately or play all the exercises in all the rhythms, at a fast tempo. Sometimes it can take several weeks until you get to it. But only if all the steps before the trill are well adopted, the trill will be good. Otherwise, it will either be too slow or tonally unclear or the hand will cramp. I recommend you to start in tempo mm=60, and then speed up if necessary.

Advanced exercise

If you have already learned trill, this exercise can definitely help you perfect it, and gain precision and speed. Determine what your starting tempo would be (eg mm=80), and then increase it until the maximum speed at which you can maintain control of all positions and movements, and eventually be able to perform it automatically.

You can find a more detailed trill chapter, with more sheet music and etudes, in the book Violina 3 and soon in the Let’s Play Violin! 4.

trill exercise
trill exercise

Here is the sheet music of the exercise, and you can also watch the video.

The best trill exercise | Najbolja vježba za triler

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