Jacques Thibaud jedna je od nezaobilaznih ličnosti u povijesti violinizma, a svakako najistaknutiji predstavnik moderne francuske violinske škole. U prethodnom postu opisala sam njegov život i djelo, pročitajte ovdje.
Thibaudov potez
Ova vježba za gudalo, koja se pripisuje J. Thibaudu, jedna je od najboljih vježbi koje se mogu naći u arsenalu suvremene violinske pedagogije. Pogodna je za sve uzraste i razine sviranja, od potpunog početnika do virtuoza. Njome se postiže nekoliko stvari:
- čvrsto, ali istovremeno i fleksibilno držanje gudala
- kontrolirana aktivnost prstiju
- kontrola položaja i funkcije pojedinih prstiju na gudalu
- ravna putanja poteza
- raspodjela težine ruke na krajnjim dijelovima gudala
- kontakt i proizvodnja tona na krajnjim dijelovima gudala
Način izvođenja
- postaviti pravilno prste na gudalo, gudalo postaviti na žicu na žabici
- s vrlo malo, svega nekoliko mm gudala, odsvirati na žabici kratki potez na gore (V). Pritom kontrolirati položaj i aktivnost prstiju na gudalu, kontakt gudala i žice, težinu ruke, te težinu gudala na malome prstu
- prenijeti gudalo po zraku na vrh u što ravnijoj putanji iznad žice i spustiti ga na žicu bez odskakivanja
- odsvirati kratki potez na dolje (). Pritom kontrolirati položaj i aktivnost prstiju na gudalu, kontakt gudala i žice, težinu ruke, te težinu gudala na kažiprstu
- prenijeti gudalo po zraku na žabicu u što ravnijoj putanji iznad žice i spustiti ga na žicu
- ponavljati korake 1-5 više puta u polaganom tempu kako bi se omogućila kontrola svih navedenih elemenata
- postepeno ubrzavati tempo, pazeći pritom da se ne izgubi kontrola niti jednog navedenog elementa
Objašnjenje navedenih elemenata pri izvođenju vježbe treba biti prilagođeno uzrastu i razini sviranja izvođača.
Pogledajte video na kojem se vježba izvodi u srednje brzom tempu.
Jeste li provjerili najbolju vježbicu za opušteno držanje gudala?

Jacques Thibaud is one of the inevitable personalities in the history of violin playing, and certainly the most prominent representative of the modern French violin school. In previous post, I have written about his life and work, you can read it here.
Thibaud exercise
This bow exercise, which is attributed to J. Thibaud, is one of the best exercises that can be found in the arsenal of contemporary violin pedagogy. It is suitable for all ages and levels of play, from complete beginner to virtuoso. Several things can be achieved:
- firm, but also flexible holding grip
- controlled finger activity
- control of the position and function of each finger on the bow
- a straight bow stroke
- distribution of the arm weight on the ends of the bow
- contact and tone production on the ends of the bow
1. With the proper bow hold, place the bow on the string at the frog
2. Make a very short stroke up bow (V). Make sure to take control of the fingers placement and activity, contact between the bow and the string, arm weight and weight of the bow on the little finger
3. transfer the bow above the string as straight as possible and place it on the string at the tip of the bow, without bouncing
4. Make a very short stroke down bow (). Make sure to take control of the fingers placement and activity, contact between the bow and the string, arm weight and weight of the bow on the index finger
5. transfer the bow above the string as straight as possible and place it on the string at the frog
6. repeat steps 1-5 several times in slow tempo to allow control of all of the above elements
7. slowely accelerate the speed, making sure that no control of any of the elements is lost
Explanation of the mentioned elements while performing the exercise should be adjusted to the age and level of the performer.
Take a look at this video where the exercise is performed at medium speed.
Also check the best exercise for relaxed bow hold!
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