Play and Fantasize

Click here for English song collections

Svi profesori violine imaju svoje omiljene škole, zbirke etida i skladbi, koncerte koje vole raditi sa svojim učenicima, no isto tako svi volimo s vremena na vrijeme osvježiti repertoar. Kada to bude s kvalitetnim pedagoškim materijalima, svi profitiramo – i učenici, i profesori, a i publika na nastupima mladih umjetnika.

Osvježenje repertoara

Postoje dvije zbirke pjesmica koje su nekima već poznate, nekima će biti novost i osvježenje, ali svojim didaktičkim standardom i umjetničkom kvalitetom svakako zaslužuju da budu još dugo u učionicama i na pozornicama.

Obje zbirke su skladane za violinu i klavir, a po težini gradiva su prilagođene djeci prvog i drugog razreda osnovne glazbene škole (neke pjesme mogu svirati i stariji).

Antoni Cofalik / Romuald Twardowski: At the ZOO, za violinu i klavir

Cofalik/Twardowski: At the ZOO

Ova prekrasna zbirka pjesama priča priču o životinjama iz zoološkoga vrta. Lav, medvjed, sob, krokodil… kroz 15 pjesmica upoznaju djecu s osnovnim postavama prstiju lijeve ruke u prvoj poziciji, kroz flageolete im nježno odvajaju ruku od prve pozicije, a u jednoj pjesmi ih postavljaju i u treću poziciju. Potezi gudala su detache, martelé, legato, s jednostavnim ritmovima i ritmičkim figurama, a dinamika također osnovna – p, mf, f, cresc, decresc. Tempa su prilagođena karakteru svake životinje, a uz opisne, navedene su i talijanske oznake. Vesela i zabavna klavirska pratnja čini ove pjesme djeci užitkom za sviranje čime je postignut njihov najvažniji zadatak – usvajanje novih elemenata s lakoćom.

Ovu zbirku možete pronaći na Amazonu, kao i u mnogim trgovinama nota.


Milan Čizmić / Katarina Kovač: Sviraj i maštaj, za violinu i klavir

Sviraj i maštaj
Čizmić/Kovač: Sviraj i maštaj

Zbirka koju će svako dijete zavoljeti i poželjeti odsvirati od prve do zadnje pjesmice! Od najjednostavnijih (ali lijepih) pjesama skladanih na temelju prazne žice i prvog prsta u četvrtinkama, do vatrenih Crnih konja u brzim šesnaestinkama, tužnog Kišnog dana sa sniženim drugim prstom i legatom, Lukave mace s kromatikom ili Uspavanke za medu u 6/8 mjeri, Čizmić koristi i važne, ali u većini dječjih skladbi neuobičajene tehničke elemente poput pizzicata lijevom rukom i glissanda. Uz sve važne tehničke i muzičke elemente koji se usvajaju u prvom i drugom razredu, naglasak ove zbirke je ipak na razvoju mašte i emocije kod mladog glazbenika. Naslovi, opisi tempa, karakter i ugođaj skladbe i slatke ilustracije uvelike to i omogućuju. Klavirska pratnja je također vrlo maštovita, lijepa, i ono što je vrlo važno – jednostavna, tako da mladim violinistima pruža priliku da muziciraju s drugom djecom, svojim prijateljima.

Sviraj i maštaj
Čizmić/Kovač: Sviraj i maštaj

Informacije o prodaji mogu se dobiti na ovoj stranici.

All violin teachers have their favorite textbooks, songs, compositions, and concertos which they enjoy teaching, but we also love refreshing our repertoire from time to time. If we find good quality teaching materials, everybody wins – both students, teachers, and the audience at young artists’ performances.

Refreshing the Repertoire

There are two collections of violin songs which some teachers already know and use, to others they will be new and fresh, but with their didactic standard and artistic quality, these collections certainly deserve to be in the classrooms and on the stage for a long time.

Both collections are composed for violin and piano, and suitable for beginner level (children of the first and second grades of elementary music school).

Antoni Cofalik / Romuald Twardowski: At the ZOO, for violin and piano

Cofalik/Twardowski: At the ZOO

This wonderful song collections tells the story of ZOO animals. The lion, the bear, the reindeer, the crocodile… through 15 songs introduce children to the basic finger positions of the left hand in the first position, through the flageolet they gently separate their hand from the first position, and in one song lead them to the third position. The bow strokes are detache, martelé, legato, with simple rhythms and rhythmic figures, and the dynamics are also basic – p, mf, f, cresc, decresc. The tempos are tailored to the character of each animal, and in addition to the descriptive ones, Italian designations are indicated. The cheerful and fun piano accompaniment makes these songs a pleasure for children to play, thus achieving their most important task – adopting new elements with ease.

You can find this song collection on Amazon, as well as many music shops.

Milan Čizmić / Katarina Kovač: Play and Fantasize, for violin and piano

Play and Fantasize
Play and Fantasize

A song collections that every child will love and want to play from the first to the last song! From the simplest (but beautiful) songs composed with the open string and the first finger to fiery Black horses with fast sixteenth notes, a sad Rainy day with a low second finger and legato, Cunning kitten with chromatic or Little Bear’s Lullaby in 6/8 time. Milan Čizmić uses important but in most children’s compositions unusual technical elements such as left-hand pizzicato and glissando. With all the important technical and musical elements that should be learned at beginners’ level, the emphasis of this collection is nevertheless on the development of imagination and emotion in the young musician. The titles, tempo descriptions, character and atmosphere of the composition and sweet illustrations, all make this possible. The piano accompaniment is also very imaginative, beautiful, and what is very important – simple, so it allows young violinists to play music with other children, their friends.

Play and Fantasize
Čizmić/Kovač: Play and Fantasize

 Sales information can be obtained here.

Zbirke kompozicija za male violiniste | Little Violinists’ Song Collections
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